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Frequently Asked Questions for Endodontists

Frequently Asked Questions for Endodontists

We strive to deliver a higher quality of care to every patient, every time you visit us. Please read through our Endodontist’s frequently asked questions below. For more information please contact us or schedule an appointment online.

Frequently Asked Questions for Endodontists
Frequently Asked Questions for Endodontists

Table of Contents:

What kind of doctor specializes in root canals?
How much is a root canal with an endodontist?
How much does a root canal cost in Virginia?
Should I see a specialist for a root canal?

Endodontist is one of those words that isn’t thrown around very often, so people frequently have a multitude of questions when it does pop up. Endodontists are dentists who specialize in the insides of teeth, hence the prefix ‘endo,’ meaning ‘internal’ and ‘within.’ But what exactly do they do?

What kind of doctor specializes in root canals?

All dentists have received some level of training in endodontic treatment in dental school. General dentists can perform root canal procedures along with other dental procedures, but often they refer patients needing endodontic treatment to a specialized practice, who works in collaboration with your dentist.

Endodontists specialize in saving teeth. Endodontists become specialists by completing dental school, followed by additional years of advanced training to include the diagnosis and treatment of dental pain. Our endodontists are able to perform routine to very complex root canal procedures, including treatment of traumatic dental injuries and endodontic surgery.

By limiting their practice to endodontics, endodontists can better focus exclusively on dental pulp treatments. General dentists typically complete 2-3 root canal treatments a week, while endodontists complete an average of 25 root canal treatments within the same time period. Endodontists dedicate their time to diagnosing and treating tooth pain instead of placing fillings or cleaning teeth. They are specialists skilled in finding the cause of facial and oral pain that is otherwise difficult to diagnose.

How much is a root canal with an endodontist?

The cost of a root canal will vary depending on the tooth affected and how severe the problem is.

Not all root canal treatment procedures have the same root canal cost.  Here are some things to take into account if you want a more exact estimation of root canal cost. First, your dentist must determine which tooth needs treatment.  There are three classifications of teeth in your mouth: molars, premolars, and anterior. The molars are the large teeth in the back, the interiors are the six front teeth, and the premolars are the teeth in between.

Second, determine what treatment you need. If this is the first root canal performed on this tooth, it’s called “primary treatment”.  If your tooth was previously treated and needs to seek further treatment, this is called “retreatment”.

How much does a root canal cost in Virginia?

Prices vary depending on which area of Virginia you reside in. However, depending on the location of the tooth, this can either increase or decrease the price of the procedure.

Because front teeth are easier to access, they are less expensive to work on. If you are in need of a root canal and you live in the Virginia area, you can call around for prices, but on average you’ll find prices to be consistent.

Should I see a specialist for a root canal?

Once you learn that you need a root canal treatment process, your next step is finding the best professional to perform the procedure. Some patients feel comfortable using their general dentist. Others prefer to see a specialist.

An endodontist is a dentist specializing in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of injuries or diseases involving dental pulp.

Sometimes a patient’s tooth anatomy is more challenging than average. It may be hard for a less experienced dentist to find or reach the root. Since an Endodontist specializes in procedures like root canals, this may be a better choice in those situations.

A specialist may use cutting-edge techniques or tools like an ultrasonic needle or a water laser. A general dentist must stay current on the entire field of dentistry and often focus on preventative care. It is impossible to develop skills in every aspect of modern dentistry. A general dentist may perform a routine root canal well, but a specialist may be required in more complicated situations.

Have a frank conversation with your dentist to discuss whether an Endodontist offers the best chance for success in your situation.

If you are looking for an endodontist, whether you have been referred by a professional or have diagnosed the need yourself, look no further than Ideal Endodontics! We have seasoned professionals with dental expertise, so this can be your first and last stop for dental needs! Contact our office today to get in touch with a specialist. To book an appointment, call us or visit us online!


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    Washington, DC 20036
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